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Monday, November 24, 2014

Something a Little Different (Video)

I've seen a few of this type of video, and I always find myself getting so angry at 
society.I'm disappointed in human-kind and amazed because the attitudes displayed 
here actually  exist in this day and age. 

Then I wonder, what would I do? Would I say anything? Would I get angry at the person doing the discriminating? 
Would I stand up for the rights of the person being discriminated against?

It brings me to tears to see how grateful these women are. These are women born in the 
USA, women who (rightfully) expect to be treated just like anyone else in the store, but 
who are instead singled out for harsh verbal abuse which they have done nothing to 

This was a set-up, an experiment to see how people would react to someone else 
displaying such bigotry, but sadly it actually does happen in this country. For a country 
that is supposed to be so progressive and forward thinking, there are certainly some very 
closed-minded people displaying some cruel beliefs. How would those same bigots feel 
if they went to another country and were treated the same way on a daily basis that 
Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics,  Ethiopians, Asians, and all those of a different 
race/culture/sexual identity are treated here? 

It is sad that in a country which has made so much progress, a country which has been 
soadmired by other countries the world over that now, when we should be more united 
than ever before, we are instead headed right back to where we were in the days of slavery....

This article is the opinion of the author only, and is not representative of Blogspot.

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