There is so much talk going on right now about the football player, Colin Kaepernick; so much debate as to whether or not he has the right to do what he is doing in protest of the racial inequality in this so-called 'United' States today. Even his own mother (adoptive) spoke out publicly against him!
As I'm sure a lot of you remember, this isn't the first case of a pro athlete protesting the treatment of minorities in America in such a public forum. For those who don't remember:
Black History Fact from 1968
Athletes John Carlos and Tommie Smith made history — and headlines — when they raised their black-gloved fists on the awards stand at the 1968 Olympics. Both also wore black socks and no shoes on the podium, representing black poverty in America.
You can read the complete story from Smithsonian Magazine here. There was a lot more to it than what we've been remembering from this photo:
For example, the third person in the photo, who was on the podium with Carlos and Smith, wore a badge pinned to his jacket in support of the organization Carlos and Smith had gotten their idea from.
Carlos and Smith were both stripped of their medals and suspended from the rest of the Olympics.
A lot of important Black people have done a lot of important things in our history; and there are some not so important who also did important things. Either way, there is more to Black history than Black History Month. I've decided to learn more about my people, and while doing so help to educate others. I hope I succeed at both!
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Can You Name This Person? Today's Little Known Black History Fact
How many people can name this person? Anyone?
Although there might be quite a few of you who exclaim "That's Whoopi Goldberg from the Sister Act movies!" I'm sorry to tell you but you're wrong. This is Sister Gertrude Ihenacho, a member of the Franciscan Handmaids of the Most Pure Heart of Mary, "one of only three orders of black nuns in the United States". (from the New York Daily News) A couple of years ago (2014) the nuns thought they would have to close the order, but after a renewed marketing effort they were able to keep it going; something that was necessary since they are there to serve the poor community around them. That is what this order is dedicated to, helping others.
"The Franciscan order has always been committed to helping the poor — but now that mission is firmly tied to social justice as well.“We seek out those whose rights are being denied. Everyone has rights to the basic needs of life, rights to food, rights to housing, water, many things. There are some in the land of plenty who are hungry. They shouldn't be,” Ihenacho added."(from the New York Daily News)
The Franciscan Handmaids of the Most Pure Heart of Mary will celebrate 100 years of helping the poor, the elderly, the children and the disabled on this day, March 29, 2016. In 1916 they formed in Savannah, Georgia because of a segregationist law that said whites could not teach religion to blacks. In 1923 the order moved to Harlem, and has been there ever since.
If you'd like to read the complete article, click here.
To read more about the order their website is here at Passion for Social Justice
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Today's Little Known Black History Fact
On this day, March 6, in the year 1857, a Supreme Court
decision was made which would affect slavery in America and the lives and
rights of all blacks for years to come.
Dred Scott vs. John Sandford (as it became known in the
history books) began as Scott vs. Emerson in December of 1846. This was a case
of a 50 year old black man who had lived in several Free states, including
Illinois and Missouri; had gotten married as a free man,
and had a child that was born in a free state.
When his ‘owner’ moved the family to a slave state, Scott attempted to
purchase his freedom, but was not allowed to, so he resorted to the court

From Definition and Summary: The
Dred Scott Decision was {a} sic landmark decision by the Supreme Court in
1857 that effectively ruled that slaves were property. It said that enslaved
African-Americans were property and had no rights, and that freed
African-Americans were not citizens and had no right to sue in a federal court.
In addition, the ruling of the Dred Scott Decision found that Congress could
not prohibit slavery from spreading into the western territories. This decision
invalidated the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which had placed restrictions on
slavery in certain U.S. territories.
to Encyclopedia Britannica:
“Among constitutional scholars, Scott
v. Sandford is widely considered the
worst decision ever rendered by the Supreme Court. It has been cited in
particular as the most egregious example in the court’s history of wrongly
imposing a judicial solution on a political problem.”
There is much more to the story of the Dred Scott decision
such as how he won but had the decision reversed; please visit the links below;
And for the kids:
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